Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Letting Go of Precious Things…

Thursday, January 11th, 2024


The 2 vintage boxes above grabbed me today and got me thinking…. I found them on one of my trips to France in a little old messy antique/secondhand corner shop in Asnieres sur Seine. I kept them as an item I thought I would eventually sell in my vintage shop Ateliernostagi

Now, I find them too precious to let go of. Instead I’ve decided to use them in a future art project.

Look at those marks….


Life is too short to hold onto precious things and pack them away into boxes and cupboards. Waiting for the perfect time to use them or, pass onto family and friends, who really aren’t as interested in them as you are.

Enjoy and use them while your still here!


To me, they look like some sort of storage box that may have held wooden or metal letter stamps. Maybe a hold for jewelers burs, or counters…

What do you think they might have been used for?

The Power of an Object. Identity through Object.

Sunday, November 12th, 2017

One of my life- time interests is collecting vintage, antique and found objects. I believe, through objects, stories can be told, and through imagination, new ones found.

Objects and their stories, often inspire my art making too. I deconstruct items for sculpture. Old clothing and antique quilts, are often used in textile pieces, artist books and collage. Aged  surfaces and patinas of collections, make their way into my abstract paintings, too.



Lately, I have been asking myself a few questions about, collecting and identity. Especially after the passing of my step father a few years ago, when I had the huge task, of cleaning out his house and shed. Overwhelming at times, the hoard, has found it’s way into my life & studio



Having only known him for a short time, (5yrs) I’ve discovered, through his belongings and objects, a hidden or, new identity.



Strangely , I now find myself imagining, a new “make believe identity” through the objects he hoarded



This has lead me to many questions…

When alive, do we really know a person? and can things and objects help us to see, a new, or different identity?

Through objects and belongings, can we feel connected to that person?

Can objects change, how we see others & ourselves?






How to make Collages from Old Damaged Books.

Wednesday, August 9th, 2017

Re: Artwork & Article Published in US. Magazine.

Vintage Pulp

As, mentioned in an earlier post , (Vintage Pulp Fiction Collages) here are some photos of my published article last year, in “Sew Somerset Summer 2016” magazine. (Now Sold Out) I have also included below, how you can to make your own mixed – media collage and drawings from damaged books. I get really addicted to making these little artworks and love reclaiming, tattered books, destined for the garbage, giving them a new life.



Damaged vintage “Pulp Fiction” books, or any other book
Acrylic gesso paint.
Coloured pencils, pens, inks, crayons etc. (I wouldn’t use felt pens as they might seep through)
Vintage fabric. (Damaged, stained, vintage tablecloths, tea towels, even old doilies)
Glue stick
Threads (any colour)

Cutting mat
Box knife or scalpel
Sewing machine (Optional)
Small cheap paint brush or, sponge brush
A few rags for wiping paint or glue

Carefully cut or tear out a page from the book. This will be used for your artwork base.

To stabilize the delicate book page, paint each side with acrylic Gesso paint, leaving sections of text, and images showing.

Now for the fun part. Once the Gesso paint is dry, draw, paint, scribble and smudge, onto one side of the paper only. You can use paint, coloured pencils, ink, pens etc. Start gluing on bits of found text and images, cut from other pages in the book. It doesn’t have to make sense. It’s fun creating nonsense “gibber jabber”

Next, cut a piece of vintage cloth, about 1 inch – 2cm. larger, than the book page.

Leaving the edges of the cloth raw, hand or machine stitch the cloth to the page, on all 4 sides. Without being too precious, make random marks, by stitching and detouring across and through the piece, as you like.

Continue working on the collage with more stitching, marks and text, until satisfied.

Note: On the underside of the collage the stitching will have left some very interesting marks. Two artworks in one!

Displaying your artwork

The finished artwork could be displayed in a conventional frame, or in a double sided, glass or acrylic frame. As an installation, hang a piece of string from the ceiling and peg the artwork to the string. Both sides can be viewed when it swings around. Several collages could be used for journal pages, book making, or just as a piece of artwork to sit on a shelf in a special place.


Using damaged vintage books and vintage fabrics, adds to the character of the artwork and saves it from landfill.

Collect found papers, textile scraps and text to make collage.

Old books can be found cheaply, from second-hand shops, flea markets and library throw outs.

A sharp scalpel is very good for cutting close to the book spine.

Add a tiny amount of water to your Gesso paint to make it more translucent.

To give your page a more aged appearance, stain with a tea dye. Put any amount of tea bags in a sink, 1/4 filled with hot water. Plunge and leave until stained, then bake the page in a low oven for around 10 minutes.

Hope you enjoy creating your collage.

Stuck for Ideas.

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

Sometimes, when I’m stuck for ideas making artwork and it’s just not happening, I  like to throw a heap of things together and arrange them near my work.

The items, may relate in colour, texture and type or be opposing which, I find much more exciting. Your brain will automatically try to come up with solutions. Expanding your ideas and creating new ones.

The flow on of ideas is sometimes amazing. It can lead to, resolving the artwork in front of you, as well as, give you ideas for a whole new body of work.

Juxtaposition and connections of items together seems to work for me.

I believe there is a creative force that is connected to everything we do.

Digital Collage and Photoshop.

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

Digital Collage and Photoshop.

When making my art, I rarely follow rules. Not knowing, techniques, materials and technology, doesn’t bother me and can be a blessing. It gives me more freedom to play around and discover things, that wouldn’t otherwise, be found.

A few images of recent experiments in Photoshop and other programs using my own artworks.




















Do you always follow the rules when creating?


Thoughts on Collage.

Sunday, August 31st, 2014


My 10 quick thoughts on creating original collage.


"13 pour" Jenny Davis

“13 pour” Jenny Davis


1. Just when you think you’ve got it licked, it can change, by adding one tiny piece of paper, or mark.


"Bitter Interception" Jenny Davis

“Bitter Interception” Jenny Davis


2. Collage can’t be controlled, trust in the doing.


"No" Jenny Davis

“No” Jenny Davis


3. If you don’t like something tear it off, paint or paste over it.


"Generous Nation" Jenny Davis

“Generous Nation” Jenny Davis


4. By elimination, breaking and tearing to restructure the work, you can open up a new vision.


"Clash 3" Jenny Davis

“Clash 3” Jenny Davis



5. Text adds interest and throws it off again. Do you take it literally, or as a design element?


"De'ranger" Jenny Davis

“De’ranger” Jenny Davis


6. Working on the whole collage at once and not just in one area, is more satisfying.


"Clash" Jenny Davis

“Clash” Jenny Davis


7. Elements of design come into play too. Colour, shape, texture, line and form.


"84" Jenny Davis

“84” Jenny Davis



8. When creating collage, I use the same cognitive process as when painting.


"Torn" Jenny Davis

“Torn” Jenny Davis


9. It’s all about trusting the creative process, your intuition, taking risks and challenging yourself.


"Paris Burning" Jenny Davis

“Paris Burning” Jenny Davis


10. It’s also heaps of fun expressing yourself in this way!

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