In Transit.
Using trickery and lies, Australian Navy and Customs and Border Protection officers intercepted a boat carrying asylum seekers in December 2012. They were told they would be taken to Christmas island and transferred onto a small lifeboat and handed a document that said: “You only have enough fuel to reach land in Indonesia. You do not have enough fuel to continue your voyage to Australia … if you continue on your journey, the master and crew of your boat will face harsh penalties, which may include a jail term.
- “Transit” Jenny Davis
- “Seeking” Jenny Davis
- 969347
- 7599426-51
- Sweet… Interception
- Pushback
- “Interception” Jenny Davis
- “Clash” Jenny Davis
- Clash 2
The United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention defines a refugee as someone: “owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.”All refugees have been asylum seekers. People who arrive in countries that are signatory to the 1951 Convention, regardless of their method of arrival, are entitled to seek refugee protection. Refugee status determination does not discriminate between how a person arrived in a country and lodged their application.
- “Bitter Interception” Jenny Davis
- 73 Trans
- “Generous Nation” Jenny Davis
- “De’ranger” Jenny Davis
- “13 pour” Jenny Davis
- “Clash 3” Jenny Davis
A series of little collages “In Transit” on canvas made from vintage papers, wallpaper, found street litter F.G, Washi tape, pen and ink .
Size 10.2 x 10. 2 each
Tags: abstract art, abstract art, Art for sale, Art for sale, artist jenny davis, asylym seekers, collage, collage papers., collecting, Creative women, eco- friendly, found papers, handmade, handmade art, humanity, In Transit, jenny davis, leaky boats, mixed media, mixed media, new work, original collage, outlook8studio, outlook8studio, Recycled art, Recycling, refuges, small collages, trash, turn backs, Uncategorised, vintage and new paper, vintage finds, vintage wallpaper
Love this little series Jenny and agree with your sentiments.
Thanks Jack! Hope your envelope arrived safely:)
Yes as you will see on the IUOMA site where I posted your collage. Thank you so much.Isa it possible for us to email each other more directly . I get a bit lost in all the other sites and could miss some mail as a result. You can always catch me on. Have sent you another package, let me know when it arrives.
Thanks Jack and will contact you via email.