We mostly think of artists working alone in a studio to produce works of art but, artists have also been working collaboratively, in groups and partnerships for centuries, even in the Renaissance. Now with technology, it’s even easier to connect and work with other creative people.

Lately, I have been working on a collaborative arts project with Australian artist Jack Oudyn using a couple of little handmade books I created .
“No Yes” Book
Work in progress…
The books are sent by snail- mail back and forth to each other. We then, work on each page, the reverse sides or, add to each others marks and collage, until we are both satisfied with the piece.
We will then, colour photocopy the book and both have a copy, or keep an original each.
After 2 collaborative swaps the book below is still a work in progress. Today, I created more marks and will send it off to Jack, for more additions or thoughts on the project.
I find it lots of fun and liberating working in this way, as well as, a bit scary. You never know if you will connect with each others mark- making and make the piece, work for both artists.
You can see the “No Yes” book finished here…