Posts Tagged ‘Fun Stuff’

Shadow Play. Photography.

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

playing with shadows



broken camera









































“Studioinabox Paris

Friday, January 29th, 2010

Fresh from my temporary studio in Paris…..  It has been an interesting challenge creating  from my “Studioinabox” in Paris set up for me by my daughter Amy .Ive had to work differently from my usual  larger pieces. Pieces have become more intricate and detailed.I even created some more hand made books and collages using whatever I could find .I am enjoying re-cycling everything I can get my hands on….I just sent back to Australia 5, 7kg. boxes of junk ,collected from the streets and stuff that lovely people have  given to me to re-use in  my art.

Letters from the Border

Sunday, March 8th, 2009

Letters from the Border Jenny Davis

The flower rose from the desert floor

Pushing its way through the dry hard crust like a white rag flapping its surrender into the dust

Time slowed to a halt for one soldier he clicked the camera.

An interruption to the vile slaughter he had witnessed earlier that morning

The image arrived penetrating the depths of her soul for she knew the little desert flower from the border would change the fragility of humanity forever

Finally after all the fires in Victoria I’m starting to create again and catch up with my work in the studio. Pictures above show images of the hubcap I created for the Landfillart project in US.


LETTERS FROM THE BORDER is actually a series of many pieces I have been working on for years…..This piece is a collage of images taken from my collections.

A copy of an original Imperial letter from Berlin I own dated early 1900’s

A piece of writing I created in 2003 in connection to Iraq Photos and emails I received from a US soldier when he was on the border in Kuwait waiting to invade Iraq.He described to me what happened to his troops on that day and night.

They were bombed 30 times as they crossed the border.

We conversed with emails for a few months then nothing .I don’t know what happened to him I haven’t been able to find out.

The bomb like image is a photo of a plastic toy I have that sits inside one of my box sculptures.The soldier images are from the photos he sent me of himself and his crew. I had made a few zines out of these images then I tore one up for this work. It was all originally on stretched canvas but I cut it out for the hubcap and sealed it….

The desert flower refers to a photo he sent me as he was entering over the border into Iraq…a little flower a glimmer of hope in the dry dusty desert


Landfillart is an international effort encompassing one-thousand-forty-one (1,041) artists to claim a piece of rusted metal garbage and create fine art.

The ultimate goals of this project are twofold. The first is to compile a book with the story and photos of the evolution of and the coming together of 1041 artists worldwide for a common cause, making great art out of rusted refuse. Only artists could lead such a charge. The other goal is to select 200 of these metal canvases to travel and inspire other such movement