Posts Tagged ‘painting on canvas’

Homemade Gesso Paint!

Saturday, November 18th, 2017

I love Gesso paint and use heaps of it in my work. It’s gritty, chalky and can be applied to artwork to give a translucent or opaque look. It’s also very expensive so I decided to make my own.


Gesso is used for many things such as a primer for canvas or on paper to give a good base for painting, drawing or mixed media work.  When making collage I use it as a gluing medium to stick on papers, in-between, painting and drawing layers.

The recipe below makes 2 litres of Gesso paint

( If not using straight away, this Gesso will last approx. 4-6 weeks)

Homemade Gesso


1 cup Plaster of Paris or fine white plaster powder

1 cup of PVA or white glue

1 cup hot water


3 cups white acrylic paint


Container, cup and mixing stick or spoon

RATIO: 1-3

Plaster Mix 1 – Acrylic paint 3


To make the plaster mix. Add the plaster to the hot water and stir ( Safety purposes: always add the plaster powder to the liquid, not liquid to plaster, as it will blow up into your face and always wear a dust mask)

Dust Mask

“Plaster of Paris” and cup

Hot water and mix

Next add the PVA or white glue, stir.

Finally add the white acrylic paint and mix. ( I used some acrylic powder paint I had and made it up with water) You can use any kind of acrylic paint or colour .



I was very happy with the result. The gesso is translucent with the gritty bits I like. You can also do several layers of gesso to give a more opaque appearance. It covered my canvas very well with only 1 coat. When adding more than 1 coat you can sand in- between to give a really smooth surface for detailed work .

2 litres of Gesso

Gesso on stretched canvas

Gesso on paper



To see this and more of my free tutorials, please go to  Tutorials I even show you how to make my large studio easel.


Paintings & Gelatin Prints.

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

Paintings & Gelatin Prints. The backgrounds are experiments with gelatin prints I made on canvas with my homemade gelatin block. Inks and acrylic paint were added afterwards to the surface. (How to make a gelatin block and the printing process (tutorial)

Cimetière des Chiens Playground


Cimetière des Chiens Playground 1

Cimetière des Chiens Playground 2

Cimetière des Chiens Playground 3 (Sold)

Inspiration for the paintings.
A celebration to animals…Mapping and playing in the Cimetière des Chiens et Autres Animaux Domestiques in Paris. Opened in 1899 its a cemetery of dogs and cats and other domestic animals. Some of the cemetery’s residents are famous, such as Rin Tin Tin.

 The plots and plaques are just so lovingly decorated. My daughter and I like to spend time with the stray cats and dogs who wander in and out of the cemetery .The kind staff feed and shelter any stray animal by scattering little semi- enclosed boxes around the cemetery.

(My gelatin print tutorial here)

When is a painting finished ?

Saturday, November 22nd, 2014

This painting was started about 6 weeks ago and is still morphing…

Jenny Davis_ Painting in Progress S

Beginning with large areas of loose colour. I lived with it and watched




I tightened it up with more colour, dribbles and abstract geometric forms. For the next week I watched again…


Jenny Davis_ Paint in Progress 5


Still not satisfied, I threw it on the floor and used, bucket and broom, to scrub, pour & glaze with puddles of watery acrylic paint and Gesso to muddy it up


Jenny Davis_ Paint in Progress 2

Jenny Davis_ Paint in Progress 4

Once dry, I worked into the forms to bring them back again


Jenny Davis_ Paint in Progress 7

Recently, I scrubbed away more areas, added several paint glazes and played across the surface with oil pastel for days



When is a painting finished?

It will tell me…

Purple Haze in Yellow. Procrastination.

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

Two new paintings from the studio!



Sitting on a line at the cusp of making a decision enjoying the moment before.
Acrylic paint, Oil pastel and sealer on gallery wrapped canvas
12″x 16″ X 1-3/4″ (30x40x4cm)

See more here…


Purple Haze in Yellow


Colour field abstract painting
Acrylic paint, Oil pastel and sealer on gallery wrapped canvas
12″x 16″ X 1-3/4″ (30x40x4cm)

See more here…

Underground Urban Spaces…

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

New worlds I build daily for underground urban living…Constructions of layered line, and grids. Objects for science, living pods, travel pods, underground exploration and excavation machinery beneath. Little abstract paintings created on artist gallery stretched canvas.

Terras Tower

Terrasporus Flying Machine

Traction Apparatus

Giro Charger

Sub Time Machine


Terras Travalator

Subterranean Space

Mobile Mover.

VM Agitator

Surface Light Tube

VM Watcher


Homemade Gesso!

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

Update 2018! Since writing this recipe in 2014, Ive been using this homemade Gesso recipe, for 14 years now and haven’t had an issue, with ageing, layers coming apart, seepage, changes in colour etc. on any of my artworks. I use it with both oil and acrylic paints. I also seal my papers with it when, making books, sewing on paper, paper for collage, painting with paint, inks etc. As to the quality, I find the homemade isn’t as white, but just as good quality, as professional artists Gesso. I also use store bought gesso too, if I’ve run out and for convenience. My version is more gritty, than store bought, but if you sandpaper in between coats, I find it’s not an issue. For me, this recipe is just as good as, the store bought and if you use archival PVA/Elmers glue, it will make it all the more stable, for longevity.

Homemade Gesso!

I love Gesso paint and use heaps of it in my work. It’s gritty, chalky and can be applied to artwork to give a translucent or opaque look. It’s also very expensive so I decided to make my own.


Gesso is used for many things such as a primer for canvas or on paper to give a good base for painting, drawing or mixed media work.  When making collage I use it as a gluing medium to stick on papers, in-between, painting and drawing layers.

The recipe below makes 2 litres of Gesso paint

( If not using straight away, this Gesso will last approx. 4-6 weeks)

Homemade Gesso


1 cup Plaster of Paris or fine white plaster powder

1 cup of PVA or white glue (archival if available)

1 cup hot water


3 cups white acrylic paint


Container, cup and mixing stick or spoon

RATIO: 1-3

Plaster Mix 1 – Acrylic paint 3


To make the plaster mix. Add the plaster to the hot water and stir ( Safety purposes: always add the plaster powder to the liquid, not liquid to plaster, as it will blow up into your face and always wear a dust mask)

Dust Mask

“Plaster of Paris” and cup

Hot water and mix

Next add the PVA or white glue, stir.

Finally add the white acrylic paint and mix. ( I used some acrylic powder paint I had and made it up with water) You can use any kind of acrylic paint or colour .



I was very happy with the result. The gesso is translucent with the gritty bits I like. You can also do several layers of gesso to give a more opaque appearance. It covered my canvas very well with only 1 coat. When adding more than 1 coat you can sand in- between to give a really smooth surface for detailed work .

2 litres of Gesso

Gesso on stretched canvas

Gesso on paper


Update 2018! Ive been using this recipe for 14 years now and have had no issues with ageing , seepage. I use it with oil paintings and acrylic artworks. I also seal my papers with it when making books, sewing paper for collage, painting with paint, inks etc.


Fresh from the Studio – Sensor Ship

Friday, October 18th, 2013

Fresh from the Studio

Sensor Ship 2 & Sensor Ship

Surface quality is very important to me and my paintings consist of many layers of paint and line making. During my process I continuously scrape, wipe and sand back layers until only a trace remains of my previous mark making.


Sensor Ship 2
Jenny Davis
Acrylic on Canvas
120 x 60cm


In both paintings you can see little tears and pockets of bright grainy colour pushing through to the top layers. I wanted the ghosts of my past marks and texture to sit just below the surface, still and silent. Waiting to be discovered.


"Sensor Ship" by Jenny Davis. Acrylic painting on canvas. 120 x 90cm.


Sensor Ship
Jenny Davis
Acrylic on Canvas
120 x 60cm.