Posts Tagged ‘recycling ideas’

Mail Art. Handmade Envelopes. New Project.

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

Hand-made envelopes made from used copy paper with doodles, scribbles and messed up prints. Sewn and packed to send mail art all over the world.

The top image is a reproduction of a 1900’s glass negative I found. I’m trying to work out how to develop a box of these.


Mail art for Adrienne in Canada

Jenny Davis_ Mailart Adreinne

A string of envelopes sewn together.


For Richard in France

Jenny Davis_ WAU 154

A box full of finished envelopes


For Jack in Queensland

Jenny Davis_ Mailart Jack

More envelopes


For PetrolPetal in South Africa

Jenny Davis_ SILLO

I discovered a good quick way to make pockets for an installation


For Adrienne again

Jenny Davis_ Stripe

I’m now addicted to making envelopes from all my waste papers.


Jacks collage.

Jenny Davis_ X